What does Kim Woobin think about his close friendship with Lee Jong Suk? > SPECIAL

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What does Kim Woobin think about his close friendship with Lee Jong Suk?



Fans know very well with the close friendship between actor Lee Jongsuk and Kim Woobin through their project together, Korean drama ‘School 2013′.

Even more so, they have dub them both to have a lot of ‘bromance’ (brotherly romance) going on, and receives more popularity among netizens around the world.

So, what does Kim Woobin think about it? When he was asked in Jakarta, Indonesia (14/3), he was baffled at the question, being confused of why they are so famous together, and responded: “I am not sure, and we don’t think about it? *laughs* When we meet, we just hang out, eat together, and talk about dramas and our jobs! I can talk to him because we can relate to each other very well, as we’re working in the same industry”.

So, what do you think about this ‘bromance’, do you think they too, bicker, gossip, eat, and have fun and perhaps, sharing a thing or two about ladies?

We hope that you will keep your fun friendship for the longest time, Woobin! 



Photo credit: Enstar Entertainment and Dramabeans


Korea.com’s Associate Writer Lovehallyuwood contributed to this report. 

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