Kim Hyun Joong's Heartfelt Letter to His Fans > SPECIAL

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Kim Hyun Joong's Heartfelt Letter to His Fans

Kim Hyun Joong Wrote a Letter to his Fans at before he enlisted to military:

Hello. This is Kim HyunJoong.


I couldn’t get an opportunity to greet (you) comfortably, and in the end had to say farewell.

The truth is, I am very sorry during this period.

Because I am a public figure, I wasn’t able to pour out my heart but to keep it under my breath, I blame myself for not being considerate enough and mature while I spent these tough times.

That’s why I am very worried how to express entirely my apologies and regrets of farewell.

In my heart, for all of you fans…No

To all of you fans, I have two mixed feelings.

Sorriness, Thankfulness…e5fd4b3efbd7b2e0ba9b21dbda3a999e_1438144 


Many of you supported me mentally during times of confusion. On the parts where I couldn’t talk about, you have prejudged and constantly believe in me, which gave me confidence. How will I ever repay you…

Also, to those who are hurt and angry because of me, I don’t know how I can apologise, I feel like I am leaving with a whole lot of debt in my arms. 


Even though all the men born in this country has to serve military, now that it is my turn (to enter), deep in my heart I feel jittery. I thought I am always working hard and living so intensely… but actually the day prior (to enlistment), I felt that I am weak…

However, in the upcoming 2 years, I believe that this is an opportunity for me to reborn again.

As a man, as an entertainer, I will grow up and return as a responsible person of the society.

In the (past) one years’ time, I fully felt that…I have been living well and was protected with more caution and from a heart-warming position, by my family, friends, colleagues, people whom I’m thankful to, and fans…


After I finish my duties at the National Defense, I will return as a better person, if not the best, for all of you who believed in me more than I do. On the day when I return, I promise that I will smile and greet (you), with that I end my letter.




Kim HyunJoong


