Dal-Hwan Jo of Inspiring Generation Considered Kim Hyun Joong a Friend with Good Heart > K-POP

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Dal-Hwan Jo of Inspiring Generation Considered Kim Hyun Joong a Friend with Good Heart


Actor Mr Dal-Hwan Jo was interviewed  at MBC Radio Star program about his co actor and lead role , Kim Hyun Joong of Inspiring Generation.

He said , Kim Hyun Joong is a friend to him, he speaks from the heart and that would he may say that he is a good man.

He wish Hyun Joong to continue working even after his singing career.


Dal-Hwan continue and said that altough he is younger actor he always goes around among other co stars and making sure that everyone he greets, that is why because of this I look up to him with respect. 


This interview will be broadcast next week.








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